Electrical Stimulation Device For
Hard-To-Heal Wounds
Certified as a Class IIa medical device under
the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC

Accel-Heal Electrical Stimulation Device
Accel-Heal provides targeted therapy for hard-to-heal and painful wounds, including leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and pressure ulcers.
It delivers an automatic, pulsed electrical stimulation during the 12-day treatment programme. The pulses are below the threshold for sensory stimulation which means that patients should not typically feel them yet they are strong enough to trigger the cellular responses needed to begin the healing process.
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How does it work?
Accel-Heal works by applying two electrode pads to skin near the wound which are connected to the Accel-Heal device. With the simple push of a button, the device delivers a pre-set, automated programme of subsensory electrical pulses to the wound to stimulate the normal healing process.
How to use?
Accel-Heal therapy consists of six, 48-hour disposable devices connected to skin-friendly electrode pads. The 12-day treatment period begins by simply applying two electrode pads to the skin near the wound.
Every 48-hours during the 12 day treatment period, the Accel-Heal device is changed for a new device. The electrode pads should be applied to intact skin on either side of the wound, then connected to the Accel-Heal device.
Once the dressing has been applied and the device switched on, electrical stimulation is delivered to the wound automatically with no further intervention required by the patient for 48 hours after application.
Tested & Approved
Accel‑Heal® is certified as a Class IIa medical device under the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC and carries the CE mark having been approved by Notified Body 1639.

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