Antipruritic hydrogel for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: An Open-Label Pilot Study
Zoe Draelos, MD
A 14-day pilot study on 17 adults with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis with associated pruritus demonstrated that treatment with EZyma™ hydrogel could relieve skin itchiness in 82% of study subjects by day 3 post-treatment. Futhermore, 76% of study subjects also experienced a significant improvement in disease condition based on investigator global assessment.
A New Steroid-Free Regimen for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
R. Smith, MD
A second open label pilot study on 15 subjects (aged 7 months to 49 years old) with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis showed that treatment with EZyma™ hydrogel in combination with an emollient could reduce skin itchiness, dryness, redness, burning and pain by 50% or more. Besides, symptoms such as induration, excoriation, erythema, and lichenification reduced by 60% or more. Based on subject satisfaction survey, EZyma™ hydrogel was rated “very good”.
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