OSYPKA External Cardiac Pacemakers
Internationally known and trusted for over 35 years

OSYPKA PACE 101H® is an external single chamber pacemaker for temporary stimulation of the heart for patients with heart rhythm disturbances or conduction defects. It is also suitable for Rapid Pacing needs. The intuitive design and easy to operate dials make it an ideal device for all pacing needs, especially in situations in which a quick-to use pulse generator is needed.
- Pacing Modes: A00, AAI, V00, VVI
- Basic rate 30…180 ppm
- High rate: async., freq. x2, x4
- Stimulation amplitude 0.3…12 V
- Pulse duration 0.75 ms
- Sensitivity 1.0 … 20 mV, ∞
- Refractory period 250 ms
- Weight with battery 170 g
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OSYPKA PACE 203H® is an external dual chamber pacemaker for temporary stimulation of the heart for patients with heart rhythm disturbances or conduction defects. It is also suitable for Rapid Pacing needs. The intuitive layout and easy to operate turning dials as well as its many specialty features make it an ideal device for all general standard pacing needs in daily practice as well as for patients requiring more complex stimulation therapies.
- Pacing Modes: DDD, VDD, D00, VVI, V00, AAI, AAT, A00, DVI, DAI,
VAT, DDD+AT, DAT - Basic rate 30…220 ppm
- Maximum Tracking Rate (MTR) 80…230 ppm
- Overdrive stimulation (atrial) 70…1000 ppm
- Ventricular Rapid Pacing 180…220 ppm
- Stimulation amplitude 0.1…18 V
- Pulse duration 0.05…1.5 ms
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OSYPKA TME Pacing Wires
OSYPKA Temporary Myocardial Leads (TME, pacing wires, heart wires) are designed for temporary pacing of patients after open chest cardiac surgery. OSYPKA TME are attached to the myocardial wall of the atrium or atria, and/or the ventricle(s). With the thoracic needle on the opposite end of the pacing wire, the lead is led through the chest to the outside of the patient.

TME for Adults
- Fracture-resistant braided wire
- Fracture-resistant braided wire
- 4-polar TME with PE tubing protection
- Excellent sensing and threshold values
- Safe fixation characteristics = Tines (T), ZickZack (Z), V-Haken (V)
- 60 cm and 220 cm lengths available + custom wires
TME for Children
- Same features as TME for adults
- Thinner heart needles for childrens‘ hearts, Ø 0,40 mm
TME for Babies
- Same features as TME for adults
- Extra thin wires (Ø 0,30 mm) and extra small heart (Ø 0,30 mm) and thorax needles (Ø 0,50 mm), ideally suited for neonates
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